Rajkumar Ahirwar
Professional Information

Profession: Massage Therapist

Experience: 3+ years

Specialities: Orthopaedics

Clinics: Panjim & Margao

Areas of service: Panjim and surrounding areas

Home visit fee: starting at ₹ 2000 (depending on condition, duration and distance)

Educational Background:
- Diploma in Spa and Beauty Therapy from Angels Community Training College, Bangalore

- Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Research & Publications:
- Research done on a “5 days comparative study to evaluate the effectiveness of Therapeutic Ultrasound and Elastic Resistance Band exercises versus Therapeutic Ultrasound and Conventional Exercises in Acute Trapezitis. A Randomized Clinical Trial”, published in International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research
Before joining the Physiotherapeautics team as Massage Therapist, Rajkumar Ahirwar worked as Massage Therapist at Neomis Saloon & Spa for two years, as well as the Chances Casino.
Read more about Massage Services here.