Physiotherapy Goa
Physiotherapy Goa
Physiotherapy Goa
Physiotherapy Goa
Physiotherapy is a multi-factorial physical treatment approach that aims to not just cure physical and mental ailments but also intends to improve the quality of life and functional abilities. There are many fields of Physiotherapy such as the following.
This field of Physiotherapy is concerned with the treatment of physical ailments of structures surrounding the joint region such as bones, muscles, ligaments and bursa.
Some of the conditions dealt with are:
- Muscle pain and strains
- Muscle tears
- Joint stiffness
- Fractures
- Ligament strain, sprain, tear
- Inability to walk
- Inflammations of tendons and bursa
- Joint pain
- Joint inflammation (e.g. in case of Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
- Poor posture
This field of Physiotherapy is concerned with the care of physical fitness of the heart and lungs. Treatments specialise in clearing away any chest secretions to enable the patient to breath more normally and help in adequate oxygen supply to the healing wound and body.
Some of the conditions treated are:
- Asthma
- Covid-19
- Increased chest secretions
- Other respiratory infections and conditions
- general surgeries like before and after heart or lung surgeries or an appendicectomy
- Intensive Care Unit care
This field pf Physiotherapy is concerned with the treatment arising from problems in brain, nerves of the brain, spinal cord and nerves of the spinal cord.
Some of the conditions are:
- Stroke
- Paralysis
- Balance disorder
- Spinal cord injury
- After a brain surgery
- All nerve injuries
Rehabilitation is bringing back a physically disabled individual to his/her near normal condition by using maximum existing capacities. Rehab in physiotherapy involves training and retraining of physical activity in a physically disabled individual.
Different types of rehabilitations are:
- Stroke rehab
- Geriatric (= Old age) Rehab
- Cardiac Rehab
- Amputee Rehab
As the name suggests, this field of Physiotherapy is specialised for sports persons/athletes. Guidance in sport activity techniques as well as the treatment of sport injuries are part of this.
Some of the conditions treated are:
- Muscle spasms (pain and tightness of a muscle)
- Muscle strain
- Ligament sprain or tear
- Any kind of sport related injury
This field of Physiotherapy is concerned with guidance and care for fitness, postural care and body muscle built.
Some of the conditions which are dealt with here are:
- Obesity/Over weight
- Poor Posture
- Good muscle built
This field of Physiotherapy deals with any children related issues, for children undergoing surgery or children with physical disabilities.
Some of the conditions treated are:
- Respiratory infections
- Fractures
- Cerebral Palsy (brain disorder affecting movement)
This field is concerned with postural care and physical fitness of women during and after pregnancy.
What is Myofascial Release?
Myofascial Release or MFR in short is a technique which is used for the treatment of pain and movement impairments caused due to muscles and a tissue that covers them known as fascia. Abnormal postures, inadequate rest to muscles, trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures can create myofascial restrictions known as trigger points. These trigger points can be very painful and could possibly cause movement restrictions. Although there are many techniques associated with MFR, one such technique is the application of pressure over the trigger point for a duration of time which in turn releases the trigger.
What is Myofascial Release used for?
It is used in common conditions like low back pain, tennis elbow, migraine, sciatica, muscle stiffness, neck pain and many more.
Is Myofascial Release painful?
This varies from therapist to therapist. If you are new to myofascial release, it can be uncomfortable at first. But as you become more familiar with the process, the intensity of referred pain decreases. Patients usually describe the pain associated with MFR as sharp or radiating.
Is Myofascial Release a safe method?
Myofascial therapy is a safe and effective hands-on technique
What is dry needling?
Dry needling is a technique which is used for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. It involves the insertion of an acupuncture needle into trigger points or tight muscles of the body. It helps by improving healing of the tissues and restoration of muscle function. No medication or injections are involved in this technique.
What is dry needling used for?
It is used in common conditions like low back pain, tennis elbow, migraine, sciatica, muscle stiffness, neck pain and many more.
What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?
Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice, in which so-called acupuncture points of the body are stimulated to alleviate pain and help treating various health condition. In Dry needling, however, the needles are inserted in muscles to deal with musculoskeletal issues.
Is dry needling painful?
Generally, insertions of the needles are not felt. However, there can be slight contractions of the muscle which can be slightly painful for a very brief moment which can be compared to an electric shock or cramping sensation.
After the session, muscle soreness may be felt up to 48 hrs which can be reduced by drinking lots of fluids and application of heat or ice (depending on the needling site).
Is dry needling a safe method?
Dry needling is a very safe treatment and only single use, sterile needles are used. The needles are very fine and only very rarely bleeding or bruising occur at the insertion site.
What is cupping?
Cupping is a method in which valved plastic or silicon cups are placed on the skin. A vacuum is created using a suction gun that draws the skin and muscle upward into the cup. The suction and negative pressure can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system. It can also enable your body to flush out toxins from a problem area.
What is cupping used for?
Cupping is use to relieve (chronic) back and neck pains, stiff muscles, high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism and even cellulite. It can also have a massage like effect to help you relax, increases energy due to the improved blood flow, can improve your skin and promotes faster healing by targeting specific areas for blood flow stimulations.
How long is a cupping session?
It depends on your condition for how long the cups are left on your body. In general, the cups will be left on your body for around 5 to 15 minutes depending on the skin integrity of the patient.
Is cupping painful?
Cupping is not painful but a rather relaxing experience.
For how long will cupping marks be seen?
You will have red circles on your skin which can last for a few days up two weeks.
What should you not do after the cupping session?
You should avoid showering immediately after the session and keep the treated areas covered and warm. Avoid drinking alcohol.
When should you not do cupping?
If you have any bleeding disorders like hemophilia, blood clotting problems like deep vein thrombosis or a history of strokes, or skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, you should not do cupping. Make sure that your physio is fully aware about your full medical history.
What is Strength and Conditioning (S&C)?
Simply put strength and conditioning is the use of anatomy, exercise physiology and sports science concepts to improve performance and prevent injuries in athletes. That being said it doesn’t mean that S&C principles cant be applied to non-athletes. With the current focus shifting on the use of exercise for health S&C plays an important role not just for prevention of injuries but also for cure of most musculoskeletal conditions.
Can exercise be used to cure musculoskeletal injuries?
The entire basis of physiotherapy is the use of exercises also known as exercise therapy to help rehabilitate persons from every walk of life. Exercise therapy doesn’t just help with musculoskeletal injuries or problems but can help deal with a host of physical and mental ailments.
Can l exercise after retirement?
Indians have a notion that post retirement one should rest and not exert themselves too much. This however is false, the concept of healthy aging is currently picking up. One can exercise until the end of ones life in order to be highly independent and highly functional.
What is Mulligan Therapy?
Also known as mobilization with movement this technique was developed by Brian Mulligan a physiotherapist from New Zealand. It has become a popular treatment for musculoskeletal injuries and can be used to help treat a variety of injuries and pain including neck pain, back pain, upper and lower extremity injuries.
How does Mulligan Therapy work?
A physiotherapist will identify one or more comparable signs that may include loss of joint movement, pain associated with movement or pain associated with specific functional activities caused by “positional faults” in the joint. Then he/she will reposition that joint, using their hands or a belt, in order to provide a situation that allows the patient to move further through the range of motion and reduce pain.
Is Mulligan Therapy painful?
As a rule of thumb while applying Mulligan therapy, there should be no pain.
How long does it take for Mulligan Therapy to work?
When done correctly the results are almost instantaneous. There will be a reduction of pain, increase in joint range of motion and the effects are usually long lasting.
What is Maitland’s Manual Therapy Concept?
It is a manual therapy concept named after its pioneer Geoffrey Maitland in which passive and accessory mobilization/movement of the joint is done in order to treat pain and stiffness due to biomechanical reasons. The Maitland concept comprises of 5 grades of joint mobilisation ranging from light to heavy. Also low to high velocity joint mobilisations.
How does Maitland’s Manual Therapy Concept work?
A physiotherapist will identify one or more comparable signs that may include loss of joint movement, pain associated with movement or pain associated with specific functional activities. Then an accessory or physiological mobilization is performed by the physiotherapist. This in turn helps to reduce joint stiffness and pain. Based on the assessment and the need, the grade of mobilization is chosen.
Is Maitland’s Manual Therapy Concept painful?
Grade 1 & 2 are used to help reduce pain as such especially in the acute setting where pain levels are high. Grade 3,4 & 5 however are used to improve joint mobility generally used in patients in whom the pain levels are not so high and have higher joint stiffness.
What is Taping?
The use of tape as a protective mechanism to prevent injury or to prevent over exertion of an already existing injury is known as taping.
What does Taping treat?
Taping can be used on a wide array of musculoskeletal conditions related to ligaments, bones and muscles.
How does Taping work?
Taping is usually an adjunct or temporary technique while the tissue is healing and is often used to restrict movement of injured joints, compression of soft tissue to aid with swelling control, and also as a precaution to avoid re-injury.
What is Kinesiotaping?
It is a taping technique that helps facilitate the body’s natural healing process. It can also be used to provide support and stability to muscles and joints. All of this is achieved without restricting the body’s natural movement and hence the name Kinesiotaping.
On whom can Kinesiotaping be used?
It can be used on all populations ranging from peadiatric to geriatric.
What does Kinesiotaping treat?
Kinesiotaping is used to treat a variety of orthopaedic, neuromuscluar, neurological and other medical conditions.
How does Kinesiotaping work?
Assessment is the key to successful kinesiotaping application. Based on the findings a single I strip or modifications in shape of the tape as well as the direction and amount of stretch placed on the tape at the time of application can be used to reduce pain and inflammation and optimize sports performance and promote healing.
Can I be allergic to Kinesiotape?
Kinesiotape is latex free and hypoallergenic.
What is Neurodynamics?
Neurodynamics is the mobilisation of the nervous system to help reduce pain related to neural tissues and non-neural structures surrounding the nervous system, in short it is a type of therapy that aims to specifically locate and treat compression of nerves throughout the body. The term neurodynamics was coined in 1989 and is currently an important part of injury assessment and treatment.
What conditions does Neurodynamics treat?
Cervical and lumbar nerve root injury, carpel tunnel syndrome, sciatica, tarsal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome etc.
How long does Neurodynamics take to start working?
It usually takes about six to eight weeks of daily nerve glides to feel a reduction in nerve related pain or tightness.
What is Electrotherapy?
The use of electrical energy to treat a host of muscluloskeletal and medical problems is known as electrotherapy. In the field of physiotherapy electrotherapy is used as an umbrella term for all passive modalities they play a role in pain reduction, tissue & wound healing, muscle stimulation and aid in helping patients perform exercises. Electrotherapy devices can offer different therapeautic waveforms via electrodes attached to the treatment area. Each waveform has its own therapeautic effects.
Examples of Electrotherapy?
Interferential therapy (IFT), Russian, Premodulated, Microcurrent, Ultrasound, Laser therapy, Long wave diathermy, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Muscle stimulators etc are few such examples.
What are the side effects of Electrotherapy?
The most common side effects are usually a skin irritation or a rash. Overuse could cause a burning sensation.