Aysha Sharma Therapist
Professional Information

Profession: Therapist

Experience: 13+ years

Specialities: Psychology

Educational Background:
- Masters in Psychotherapy and Counseling
Aysha Sharma
Aysha Sharma is a certified Therapist. After her Masters in Psychotherapy and Counseling, she has integrated various healing modalities in her 13 years of practice in therapy like
- Hypnotherapy
- Integral Eye Movement Therapy
- Provocative Change Works
- Family Constellation
- Transactional Analysis
- Client Centered Therapy
- Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy
- Gestalt Therapy
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Art Handwriting Analysis
- Integrated Energy Therapy (Crystals, 6th Sense Healing, Reiki)
Aysha further continues her process of upgrading her skills every year. She works with children, adolescent and adults.
Her approach is free flowing and pragmatic, and weaves her learnings and experiences of spirituality with daily practices of Vipassana, Yoga and Ayurveda in the fabric of her work and in living life to its full potential.